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Chris Brown a enervat-o pe Zara Larsson și n-a scăpat ușor

Celebrități, CoolNews

De ziua internațională a femeilor, Zara Larsson a postat un mesaj puternic pentru femeile din întreaga lume pe contul său de Instagram, dar Chris Brown nu a putut suporta tupeul artistei.

Ah I wish I didn’t have to get mad every time I write something about women’s issues, but how could I not? And I wish I didn’t have to bring up men when I do, but then again, how could I not? 🚺 I said “could you men stop raping and killing women” in an earlier post and the amount of men getting offended by that is astounding. 98% of sexual predators are men. And it’s no coincidence that this happens in a patriarchal world. (Google is your friend) 🚺 The idea that men wanna to focus on the fact that NOT ALL MEN are bad instead of the fact that women (or other men), are being raped and killed by men is so… weird… We know ALL MEN don’t rape and kill? We’re aware? But how come that almost all rapists are men? 🚺 Also, we all know that men are being victims of domestic abuse, rape etc. but not feeling like they can talk about it because of toxic masculinity (Google), the same one that tells them to not be vulnerable and show feelings, cause it’s “unmanly”. But the difference is that the male violence is a part of a social structure that need to be demolished. 🚺 The truth is, change is uncomfortable and it’s not meant to be easy. Do you think the white people back in the days though “oh… ok… so Rosa wanna sit in the front of the bus? That’s fine!” Or if all the men back in the days thought “oh! Women wanna vote? Ok! Let them!” We came a long way from that time, sure! But are we there yet? No. Racism is still alive, just as sexism. 🚺 Instead of some of you men being heated about me stating facts, y’all should be mad ABOUT the facts. How come we can still let this happen? How come that some men rather call me a feminazi than listen to what I actually say? Why don’t you men join and make a change? Cause change is more important than an offended mans feelings. 🚺 🌸🌸🌸 Some one asked me “so what do a man do that wants to help?” Believe women that share their stories of abuse, don’t laugh at men that express their emotions, don’t be homophobic or transphobic, join a protest, tell your boys off when they joke about sexist things, don’t be a racist little fuck, don’t have sex with someone who is obviously too drunk, don’t send unwanted dickpics. 🌸🌸🌸

O postare distribuită de Zara Larsson (@zaralarsson) pe

Cei doi au avut parte și de un schimb acid de replici pe Instagram, iar Zara a mai postat o fotografie prin care evidențiază că s-a săturat de bărbații care se simt ofensați atunci când femeile se susțin una pe cealaltă.

Fanii lui Chris Brown au început hate-ul la postările artistei imediat după ce Chris i-a comentat „E varză!”, iar apoi i-a adus aminte că în 2016 a numit-o „fund urât mirositor”.

Fanele s-au grăbit să-i ia apărarea artistei, amintind de momentul în care Brown a lovit-o pe Rihanna, deci el e singurul varză din această ecuație.

Oare unde duce acestă dispută și de ce e Chris Brown împotriva femeilor puternice?


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