Britanicul Sam Smith se declară a fi non-binar

Celebrități, CoolNews

Cântăreţul britanic premiat cu Grammy Sam Smith a anunţat că se declară oficial non-binar, după ce a explicat, în urmă cu câteva luni, că nu se simte „nici bărbat, nici femeie, ci undeva între”.

„Pronumele mele sunt ‘ei’ şi ‘lor'”, a scris Sam Smith,  iar decizia a fost luată”după o viaţă în care a fost în conflict în ceea ce priveşte genul său”.

Cântărețul a publicat mesajul pe Instagram, acolo unde a primit peste 600.000 de aprecieri:



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Today is a good day so here goes. I’ve decided I am changing my pronouns to THEY/THEM ❤ after a lifetime of being at war with my gender I’ve decided to embrace myself for who I am, inside and out. I’m so excited and privileged to be surrounded by people that support me in this decision but I’ve been very nervous about announcing this because I care too much about what people think but fuck it! I understand there will be many mistakes and mis gendering but all I ask is you please please try. I hope you can see me like I see myself now. Thank you. P.s. I am at no stage just yet to eloquently speak at length about what it means to be non binary but I can’t wait for the day that I am. So for now I just want to be VISIBLE and open. If you have questions and are wondering what this all means I’ll try my best to explain but I have also tagged below the human beings who are fighting the good fight everyday. These are activists and leaders of the non binary/trans community that have helped me and given me so much clarity and understanding. @tomglitter @munroebergdorf @transnormativity @alokvmenon @katemoross @glamrou @travisalabanza @twyrent @chellaman @jvn @lavernecox @stonewalluk @glaad @humanrightscampaign @mermaidsgender Love you all. I’m scared shitless, but feeling super free right now. Be kind x

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