George Karma a urcat prima oara pe scena la cinci ani, a compus pentru mai mulți artiști și acum își face debutul solo.
“«Kanguru» este primul single din seria experiențelor mele personale. Numesc «Kanguru» acele persoane care fug de responsabilități și care își trăiesc viața într-un continuu interes personal”, spune artistul.
Versuri George Karma – ”Kanguru”:
Run you run run
Run you run run
There are people in the world
Who only searching for the gold
They change the truth in history
And end up living in misery
Go now go now go go go
If only searching for the gold
Hey now hey now pray pray pray
It’s never too late to pray
But you run like a kanguru
Youuuuu run like a kanguru
Run you run run
Run you run run
If you love and run away
Karma brings you only pain
If you forget but don’t forgive
You will receive only what you give
Go now go now go go go
If only searching for the gold
Hey now hey now pray pray pray
It’s never too late to pray
But you run like a kanguru
Youuuuu run like a kanguru
But you run like a kanguru
Youuuuu run like a kanguru
Run you run run
Run you run run
There are people in the world
Who only searching for the gold.