”Pentru că e vară, am vrut să fac un video pentru Bibia Be Ye Ye. Clipul e realizat de fantasticul regizor Gyo Gyimah și a fost filmat în Ghana. Am vizitat Ghana anul trecut, când am mers acolo pentru a lucra cu Fuse ODG și killabeatzgh la niște muzică nouă. Cât am stat în Ghana, am fost impresionat de cultura locului, de mâncare, de muzică și de frumoasele peisaje. Eu și Fuse am vrut să prezentăm aceste lucruri în videoclip, ca oamenii să vadă cât de frumos e acolo.
Nu lansez piesa ca single, dar e vară, așa că m-am gândit că n-ar fi o idee rea să am o piesă de vară, cu un videoclip care să facă lumea să se simtă bine. De asemenea, nu uitați să vizitați Ghana, e incredibil. Vizionare plăcută!” – Ed Sheeran
Versuri Ed Sheeran – Bibia Be Ye Ye
I lost my shoes last night, I don’t know where I put my keys
I was tired and fell asleep beneath an oak tree
I bet my mother’s proud of me from each scar
Upon my knuckle and each graze upon my knee, and all I know
Is I got a cab and then threw up on his car seat
He kicked me out and then I walked in the rain
I tell myself in every way, „I won’t be doing this again”
And tomorrow’s a brand new day
Someone told me, „always say what’s on your mind”
And I am only being honest with you, I
I get lonely and make mistakes from time to time
So no man call ya, bibia be ye ye
Bibia be ye ye, ye ye ye ye
Bibia be ye ye
I remember less and less and mostly things that I regret
In my phone are several texts from girls I’ve never met
And in the pocket of my jeans are only coins and broken dreams
My heart is breaking at the seems and I’m coming apart now
Now things are looking up, I’ll find my shoes right next to the oak tree
And I’ll get a bus straight into town and spend the afternoon
Looking around for the things that I left on the ground
And say you’re with me, tomorrow’s a brand new day
Someone told me, „always say what’s on your mind”
And I am only being honest with you, I
I get lonely and make mistakes from time to time
So no men call ya, bibia be ye ye
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
Someone told me, „always say what’s on your mind”
And I am only being honest with you, I
I get lonely and make mistakes from time to time
So no men call ya, bibia be ye ye
Bibia be ye ye, ye ye ye ye
Bibia be ye ye
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye) (bibia be ye ye, ye ye ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
Bibia be ye ye
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)
My momma (be ye ye)