EXCLUSIV Interviu Lost Frequencies pentru Virgin Radio Romania

Celebrități, CoolNews

Când spui Lost Frequencies , prima imagine care îți vine în minte e a unui tip care zâmbește tot timpul, iar primul lucru la care te gândești e muzica… „Reality”, ”Are U With Me”, „Here With You”, „Crazy”, „Like I Love You”… și sigur amintirile alea faine de la festivalul de vara trecută.

Untold & Fratelli Grup au reușit ca pe 26 ianuarie să aduca și tipul și zâmbetul și muzica în Fratelli Studios, într-un dance event sold-out.

Acum doi ani, în mainstage-ul Neversea, Felix De Laet aka Lost Frequencies a declarat că energia emanată de publicul din România este incredibilă și o descria în doar câteva cuvinte: ”love”, ”happiness” și ”good vibes”.

Evenimentul din 26 ianuarie a fost exact așa: peste 1000 de party people au trăit, în mijlocul iernii, atmosfera Untold și Neversea.

Iar Virgin Radio Romania a stat de vorbă, în exclusivitate, cu cel vinovat de atmosfera asta: Lost Frequencies .

Your YouTube account generates a lot of content, you make music tutorials, vlogs and behind the scenes…

Yes, it does! I thin it’s really important not to just curate this “perfect” image or idea of what life is like on the road – it’s often long hours, dealing with different time zones and jet lag can really take it’s toll! But I wanted to offer my fans an insight into what I get up to on the road so that they could really feel like they’ve come along for the ride!

Tell about music tutorials, even if you’re 25, you enjoy showing the world the magic of making music in the studio? You talk with random people on Instagram about it?

I enjoy showing my fans, and a wider audience, how I work across the process, so from ideas to completion. The important thing is that there is no “right” or “wrong” answers, it’s a true creative expression that a lot of producers don’t share or indulge in showing their fans. I wanted to change that.

Are you giving help or scouting for new talented producers and take them under your wing, like support them with the Found Frequencies label?

Yes, all the time! I’m constantly going through demo’s and having meetings with our artists and out distributors at Armada, to make sure we’re coming full circle in supporting Found Frequencies, our artists we invite to release on the level and everything we stand for.

Vlogs: LostVlog is like super cool, you got a team that film and edit it for sure, it’s hard to be always in the mood for shooting a vlog?

Thankyou! To be honest, our director and editors that film and create the finished product are my friends on the road with me, so it never feels too invasive and has that fly-on-the-wall appeal when we film, so it’s very rare that I am not in the mood – I’m a pretty positive person and I hope that shows!

You travel a lot, tell me 3 things you cannot leave home without!

Headphones, my laptop, comfortable clothing for my long haul flights!

How many hours do you sleep. Do you sleep more alone or with your girlfriend?

It depends on my travel plans as I might finish a set at 3am and have to be on a plane again at 7am! I try to get at least 7 hours a night – when I can! – but I suppose, like 90% of artists and DJs that tour as much as we do, we spend a lot of time alone or with our tour team, so any time I do get at home with my loved ones is precious.

The best festivals you’ve been to?
Tomorrowland, without a doubt! I love returning to play the mainstage, in my home of Belgium, and to host my Lost Frequencies and Friends stage! I always enjoy playing EDC in the US, too, I shut down the mainstage in Vegas last year and it was one of my favourite experiences of that year.

If you talk about Tomorrowland, I have to tell you that you were the first thing I heard because I arrived in Dreamville during your set and it was my first experience, absolutely amazing!

I saw you at Tomorrowland even in the media village, but I haven’t scheduled an interview with you, maybe this year we will do it! How was Tomorrowland 2018 for you and what do you think about this year, I saw that you got a stage in the first weekend?

Thanks so much, I’m glad you came along! Yeah, Tomorrowland is one of the busiest and most exciting weekends of the year and 2018 was the best yet! I have hosted a stage at the event since 2016 and we’ve just revealed I’ll be curating another one this year and I can promise you, it’s our best one yet!

Three DJ’s you admire?
Diplo, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Flume

What were you like at school?


What is your first memory to music?

Dancing around in my parents living room

What would you do with a million ping pong balls?

Fill an empty pool with them and take a dive, haha!

Fantasy (Perfect) party.. describe?

I think on a tropical beach somewhere, maybe Bali as I love to visit there, with my closest friends and favourite Djs, what more could you want?!

Hottest party of all time?

Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike’s Garden Of Madness last year at Ushuaia was off the hook! World-class line-ups, an amazing, energetic crowd and one of the best parties on the planet, never mind the island!

Ever cleared the floor?

Nope, I’m lucky enough to say! Even at my earlier gigs!

Do you have any vices?

Pizza! Well, food in general! I love Asian, Eastern flavours and dishes like sushi, I always try and eat as culturally local as I can when I travel. I think it is important to experience these things and I feel very lucky that I can do so.

If you could play one musical instrument, what would it be?

I can play drums, keys and guitar which I think is enough, haha! I think the saxophone is pretty cool, though!

Most valuable lesson you’ve learnt so far?

To trust in yourself, don’t compromise your vision!

Strangest thing you’ve seen at a party?

Crowdsurfers in fancy dress always make me laugh!

Hard times – Has there ever been a time when you wanted to give it all up?

Yes, of course, I think everyone has those moments, no matter how you define success of talent, we all go through good and bad times. It’s about dusting yourself off that matters.

What keeps you motivated?

My family, my peers, the creative freedom to be able to do this as my own profession every day.

Ultimate hangover cure?

Pizza! Always!

Ever been arrested?

No, I’m a good guy!

If you were a cartoon character, who would you be?
Felix the cat! I have a tattoo of him on my right side near my rib cage, and we share the same name, so it makes sense!

So what are the tunes that have been ringing in your head lately?

CamlPhat – ‘Breathe’, my remix of LSD’s ‘Thunderclouds’, Black Coffee & David Guetta ft. Delilah Montagu – ‘Drive’ (Solardo’s Club Mix.

Which artist, other than yourself, have you ever wanted to be?

I love so many, but to have been alive when Bob Marley was on the earth would have been amazing, he is such an inspiration to me and my music.

First film that gave you the creeps?

Saw! Never again!

First concert you went to that was life-changing?

When I was 15 I went to the I Love Techno Festival and it really woke me up to how much the scene can unite, no matter what music you’re into, and is still something that I credit to that experience. I think I was about 15/ 16.

What’s your favourite Saturday night record?

Major Lazer – ‘Lean On’

And your Sunday morning one?
Bob Marley – ‘Three Little Birds’

Complete the following sentences…
I describe myself as… chilled
Music changed me by…opening up my world
The last time I cried was… back in 2018!
My most treasured possession is… My MacBook, right now! I’ve started working on my mew album so I have a load of unfinished tracks and ideas for 2019. That thing is my world!

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