10 instagramerițe din România pe care vrei să le urmărești pentru inspirație – FOTO

CoolNews, Viral

Inspirația este cu siguranță unul dintre cele mai importante aspecte pe care vrei să le iei în considerare atunci când vrei să fii în pas cu moda, iar de când cu era Instagram, aceasta n-a fost niciodată mai la îndemână. Milioane de followers din întreaga lume urmăresc diferite persoane strict pentru ceea ce numim modă. Iar industria a căpătat atâtea personaje încât ai de unde alege.

Ți-am pregătit o listă cu câteva exemple din România, pe care noi le urmărim și ne plac la nebunie:

Lavinia Ioana

Sandra Stoicovici


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• SUNkissed 🌞 • #littlestoriesofmylife #lagrandeitalia

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• My Fairytale in Paris with @ninaricciparfums 💚 • #littlestoriesofmylife #bella #princesslife #blogpost #paris

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Carmen Negoiță


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Shooting day in this amazing place with @revista_fpm #fpmmagazine

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Andreea Remețan


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1 septembrie! In weekend-ul asta scot la lumina tinutele de toamna. Let’s get organized ❤️

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Lavinia Constantin


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I am struggling a lot with my style, and that’s because I have only two moods: going to the ball, or being a lazy ball. My friends keep making fun of me because sometimes, for no special reason I dress up, and when needed I appear in a pijama style suit and flip-flops. They never know what to expect. I find it really hard to fake it, and I don’t care, I will not be forced by society to dress as they want, if I don’t feel like it. I love being lady-like, well mannered, but it’s sometimes too exausting to control your every move, so I just give up. I caught myself at my bff’s wedding eating the appetisers with my barehand, while our friends at the table were looking stunned at me. I did the unforgivable – didn’t use the fork! Well, come on! I am a simple girl. I am wild at heart. I don’t care for conventions and never will. I am the type of girl that will wear diamonds and rugged converse at the same time and I am ok with that.

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People keep complimenting me on how my sexy attitude radiates even during my yoga practice.Girls tell me how they wish they had my body&although I’m flattered, I feel the need to open up bcs what people see is only the final result.So, here’s my story:I worked&suffered immensely to get here,physically&mentally.When I was younger,I was diagnosed w double scoliosis which led to me wearing a medical corset 23/24h out a day for 5y(not glam at all, the corset=a big rigid plastic bodice that went from my collar bone to my derriere that I had to tighten more every day). I was in constant pain&I had fresh wounds always bleeding underneath.I couldn’t take it off,so I was left with doing my best to contain the tears when the pain was unbearable.I was ashamed of it, trying to hide away as much as possible, so nobody could see me.I was trying not to listen to whispers saying I look like a robot bcs I was unable to move my upper body. I was wondering why can’t I be like everybody else? These years I didn’t sleep properly.I couldn’t. How can somebody sleep when is strangled&wounds stick to plastic ripping tissue at every move?When I did fall asleep,I woke up crying in pain. Meanwhile,I started training: first physical therapy,then fitness. I was spending as much time exercising as possible bcs it meant I didn’t have to put the corset back on.I was free. When I finally took it off after 5y,I was changed.Not only did I have this amazing sculptured body&correct posture,but I had a shattered self-confidence,a phobia of being touched&the feeling that I am not worthy. I clinged on to every little piece of attention I was given bcs I was no longer invisible. Then I decided it was time to follow an old dream&enrolled for ballet classes.For the next 5y I went to them religiously.I transformed my body yet again: I was more flexible now, graceful. But I decided I need more&my yoga journey started.On the mattress I healed my mind&soul.I finally escaped my cage. I’m proud of who I am&where I came from now.I love my scars bcs they made me who I am&that’s why nobody should ever wish for somebody else’s nothing. Knowing this,would you still wish you were me? Aren’t you happy you are not?

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Tamina Lovin


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Soft but firm 🐰💣 . #TammyJoanna . . . #ootd #designer #design #minimal

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Mădălina Merca


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You can find me where the music meets the sea 🌊

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Weekend-ul acesta, am ales muntele si cu aceasta ocazie am venit pregatita sa fac curat pe marginea lacului si sa raspund provocarii #CleanRomaniaChallenge. In locul in care am copilarit, in satul bunicilor mei de la coada lacului Belis ma asteptam ca turistii care vin pe timpul verii sa se relaxeze sa mai uite sa faca curat dupa ei… ceea ce mi s-a si confirmat: au ‘uitat’ sa isi stranga peturile, dozele de bere& energizante si ambalajele alimentelor… Ma bucur enorm pentru aceasta initiativa& provocare si sper din tot sufletul sa fim cat mai multi care sa avem grija de natura si de animalele care traiesc in tara noastra si, cel mai important, sa dam un exemplu celorlalti. Am primit leapsa #CleanRomaniaChallenge de la @alinaceusan si o dau mai departe spre @littlestoriesofmylife @fataluigologan @iuliaandrei @ioanachisiu @ramonaconstantinescu. Also, congrats @sanziananegru for starting it! #LetsDoItRomania ♻️✨

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Sânziana Negru


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For tonight, just live #ThePricelessSideOfMusic #Mastercard @summer_well_festival

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let’s go everywhere!

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Mădălina Ciucă

Laura Mușuroaea


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New blog post with this outfit. Huge thanks to @iosifalex for these awesome photos ❤️ Link in bio 😘

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